When you apply for import license for your products, all Thai licensing agencies will conduct and assessment of the quality control system of all foreign manufacturers.

The quality control system of the manufacturers will be assessed according to the requirements for products certification and the general requirements for products quality control system. For this purpose, factory visit and assessment of documents showing the quality control process of the manufacturer will be conducted by the NBTC, TISI or FDA officials.

At the current time, because of the COVID-19 regulations, it is no possible for, assessment will be carried out on the documents showing the quality control process of the manufacturers. It is very important to submit all relevant document to obtain factory certification. According to our sources at the agencies, steps were made to issue temporary licenses, until auditors will be able to inspect manufacturing facilities abroad.

For temporary licenses, local product testing will be required, but manufacturers will be exempt from factory inspections. As soon as COVID-19 restrictions will be removed, all holders of temporary license will be required to obtain a full factory license to receive a regular product import license for import to Thailand.

if the quality control documents have proved to be inadequate, you may lose valuable time, because it is not possible to obtain import license for your products, unless your manufacturing facility is certified first.

Pro License Co., Ltd. has many years of experience working for the Thai certification agencies and will help you submit adequate information to obtain license for your factory.

After COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted, our specialist will travel with the Thai officials to your facility to ensure all necessary steps are taken to certify your factory. It is also good idea to have us as a translator, to ensure you speak the same language and understand what’s required for complete this process is a timely matter.